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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where's America?

One of the questions we often hear asked is, "Where is America in Bible Prophecy?" This is a difficult query to answer because we don't find any Bible material that is clearly a reference to the United States. So it appears that when we look to discover America's future, we can only find our answer in terms of general principles that relate to all the nations. Since its inception, the U.S. has been an exceptional nation and quickly rose to prominence as a world power. For many of us who have never been a part of any other kind of country, it is hard to face the reality that our nation is slipping from its position of prominence. The emphasis on globalism is beginning to bear fruit, and it is not the kind of sweet fruit we are used to. The current situation in Libya is a strong case in point. America is playing follow the leader. We are allowing the U.N. to call the shots. European countries like France are out in front asking us to come along for the ride. A few years ago, such a position would have been unthinkable. As we begin the ride down the slippery slope of yielding our leadership to other nations, we will become increasingly less significant as a power player on the world stage. And that is exactly what most of the world is anxiously awaiting. Unfortunately, we are likely in the near future to see ourselves relegated to just another one of the many nations that will be caught up in end-times events with no real understanding of how we fell from our lofty position. Yes, there is good reason to ask where America is both in terms of its standing in the world politic and in regards to its role in the end-times described in the Bible. It is getting harder and harder to see its role.

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