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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Triple Whammy

Wow, this thing in Japan just keeps getting bigger. As if a gigantic earthquake, followed by a massive tsunami wasn't enough, now we have at least four nuclear reactors in trouble with moderate amounts of radition already threatening residents. I'd call that a Triple Whammy! What does the Bible say about such things. WhileJesus specifically mentioned that we would see an increase in earthquakes as we approach the end of the present age (Matthew 24:7-8), He also gave us a key principle to help us understand Bible prophecy. In verse 8, He said of the increasing numbers of natural disasters, "All these are the beginning of birth pains." Any woman who has delivered a child, and every husband who has stood by feeling helpless, knows what that means. As the birth of the child gets nearer, the pains become more frequent and increase greatly in intensity. That's what we are seeing in our world today. What Jesus called the "Signs of the Times" are happening much more often and with much greater force. What we have seen in Haiti, Chile, and now Japan will not be unique happenings. You can expect to see many more such events in the near future.

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