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Thursday, April 28, 2011


We are certainly seeing the dominoe effect taking place in the nations of the middle east. While only the leader of Egypt has been removed so far, it is clearly evident that the ruthless despots of several other nations will soon be overthrown. While unrest has been fomenting in Syria for a long time, that nation's troubles have bubbled to the top in recent days. What can we expect to take place in this neighboring country of Israel?

While it is difficult to know precise details, we can get a sense of what direction things are heading. It is an interesting study, when these nations we see all over the news, for us to take a look at the Bible and see what their history has been and what Scripture says about their future. For instance, Libya was named as one of the countries that had persons in Jerusalem for worship at the Jewish temple on the day of Pentecost, just ten days after the ascension of Jesus. Then in Ezekiel 38:5, we read that Put (ancient name of Libya) will be part of the important Gog and Magog attack on Israel in the last days.

What do we discover about Syria?  Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the world. Its origins go back all the way to the time of Uz, Noah's grandson. It has had many different occupiers over the centuries. It was sometimes under the control of Israel. In the New Testament we read of Paul meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. After his encounter he went on to Damascus where he was ministered to and taught by Christian believers. But what about Damascus in the future?

The Bible paints a bleak picture for Syria in the last days. God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and gives a series of oracles or proclamations about different nations and cities. In Isaiah 17:1 we read of the final days of a city who has had a long and prosperous history. God speaks through the prophet and says, "An oracle concerning Damascus: 'See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.'" A few verses later we find the clear reason for this drastic end of Damascus, "You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress" (verse 10).

We see a common thread in all the uprisings today: the nations are not worshiping and serving the God of the Bible and their end is prophesied as doom. God's call is for all nations to serve Him and His Son Jesus Christ and to respect the rights of God's people Israel. Those that choose to serve other gods will find their nations in constant distress and in the end will be subject to God's judgment. In these days, we are seeing the Bible's prophetic truths coming to pass before our very eyes. The nation of Syria, as its neighbors, needs to understand what they can do to stay their disastrous end which the Bible says will surely come to pass.

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