
MAGNIFICENT! If you can take five minutes for a moving experience of worship focused on God's magnificent creation, click on the photo. You will be glad you did.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This week Israel announced extensive plans for additional housing units to be built in East Jerusalem over the next few years. Of course, there was an immediate outcry from the Palestinians, who claim this as their land, with Israel as the accursed occupiers. And as would be expected both U.S. and European officials decried the action as blocking the way to peace. They never stop to consider that any time Israel has stopped construction, the PLO has always found some other excuse to not negotiate.

I wonder if anyone cares what Jehovah thinks. There is a rather comprehensive few verses of Scripture which gives us a very clear understandding of what God is about in all of this. "For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search for my sheep [Israel] and look after them. . . .I will bring them out from the nations and gather them from the countries, and I will bring them into their own land. I will pasture them on the mountains of Israel, in the ravines and in all the settlements in the land" (Ezekiel 34:11, 13 emphasis added).

Can it be any clearer. God is bringing His people back to " their own land" and expects them to prosper and build "all the settlements" they need to provide for their population. Isn't it unique? The very term that is being used to provoke discussion and dissension is one to which God spoke long ago. The settlements are His idea. I wouldn't want to mess with them. God is superintending the activity of His nation even though most of the people there are not aware of His perfect plan for them.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Sorry that I have not been posting much. I have been so occupied with finishing up work on my study on Zechariah (see cover photo at left) that I have not been up to writing much else. But I have been keeping an eye and an ear on what is taking place in the Middle east and gthe name of the game seems to be instability. Look at the news from just the last few days.

Qaddafi was finally taken out as the leader of Libya. Question now is what kind of government will replace him? We are certain that Iran has been waiting in the wings to help push the decision. They talk of democracy of which they have not the foggiest notion. Big concern is whether Muslim Brotherhood will come to the front and take power.

A terrorist plot to take out the Saudi ambassador and two Embassies on US soil show how close to home the terrorist attacks are. We surely owe a lot to the folks who are breaking up some of these plans. This attack looked to me to be planned to drive a wedge between US and Saudia Arabia. Their Crown Prince died in a NY hospital last week. Now the instability of who will succeed to power there arises.

Our President has announced a pull-out of almost all our troops in Iraq. Most of us are tired of the war, but again instability in that country will be paramount. In all likelihood, soon after we are gone the situation will be so chaotic that Iran will come in and overtake at least part of the country. What will that do? It will give Iran then a straight shot across Iraq and Syria directly to the border of Israel.

Israel last week showed how much they value one of their soldiers when they traded 1,000 Palestinian criminals for the one Israeli soldier that had been held for over five years after he was kidnappedd by Hamas in Gaza. Don't expect any progress in peace talks. The Palestinians have no interest or desire for peace. Their definition of peace is when there are no more Jews in the world to have talks with.

Keep your eyes on Jordan. Things have been very quiet there, but they share the longest border with Israel of any nation. If the Arab "spring" comes into play there, it is hard to tell what is likely to happen.

I write all this to remind you that we are indeed living in days that the Bible speaks of with precision and clarity. The world is gearing up for the final showdown between the forces of evil and the power of God. The terrible time we know as the Tribulation could be closer upon than we think. Jesus said to keep ourselves abreast of the Signs of the Times and our spirits in tune with His so that are not taken by surprise when the end times begin to be fulfilled.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


It was reported this week that a large group from one of the "lost tribes" of Israel will soon be allowed to emigrate to Israel. There are more than 7,200 remaining members of the Bnei Menashe community. Their name means "children of Menasseh." They live in two of India's northeast states. The Jerusalem Post wrote this week that the Ministerial Committee on Immigration and Absorption has approved the bringing to Israel these remaining members.

The Bnei Menashe community claims that they are the descendents from the tribe of Menasseh, one of the ten tribes of Israel, often called the lost tribes, who were exiled the the Assyrians invaded Israel's northern kingdom in the 8th Century B.C. The tribe probably traveled through Persia, Tibet and China before arriving in India where they have existed relatively unknown until recently.

Why am I reporting this? As I have been writing my study on the prophet Zechariah for my new book, The God Who Remembers, I have found a key teaching there that is directly connected with this story. That is, God says very clearly that in the end time He will bring back His people from the far reaches of the earth to dwell in Israel. "I will signal for them and gather them in. Surely I will redeem them; they will be as numerous as before. Though I scatter them among the peoples, yet in distant lands they will remember me. They and their children will survive, and they will return" (Zechariah 10: 8f).

It can't be much clearer than that. These supposedly lost tribes have not been lost to God. He has known where every one of them has been through all these nearly 3,000 years. Now, He is sending out the signal to come back to the land of Israel. Surely, He is about to do something very significant in the near future. It is amazing and encouraging to our faith to see these evidences of prophecy come to fulfillment in our days.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Heads up, everybody! A big showdown at on the agenda for the U.N. this week. The Palestinians will be coming before the Security Council and asking to be recognized as a legitimate nation. Isn't this a rather ludicrous situation? For over sixty years the Palestinians have denied that Israel, the land on whose land they reside, has the right to be a nation. Yet, they want to be recognized. What is it they want recognized? It it their government in which no one knows who is in charge. Abbas has the title of Prime Minister, but Hamas doesn't recognize him. They take over and do their own thing. The people of Palestine have no government that really cares about them. They have no land of their own. They have no history; there has never been a nation called Palestine. Only the land is known by that name which is really a corruption of the name Philistine.

Prime Minister Netanyahu plans to speak to the Security Council prior to their vote, once again presenting Israel's right to the land and call for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. Pres. Obama has promised to veto the measure if it should pass the Security Council. Then the Palestinians will ask the entire General Assembly for recognition.

There is a wide range of opinion on this issue. I have a hunch that the largest group of people are those who simply say they just don't understand it. Many are trying to arrive at a solution using what they think is common sense. But this is not just an isssue betgween two feuding neighbors. This is a spiritual issue that goes all the way back to the book of Genesis in the Bible. This entire and complex problem began when Abraham decided not to do things God's way. So the enmity between his two sons was born. The conflict is between the sons of Ishmael and the sons of Isaac.

Like it or not, God has already cast His vote in this issue. He has called the people of Israel to come back to the land and establish themselves and that He would make a nation of them in the land that He promised to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) forever. I am presently writing a book on the message of Zechariah. There I find these words:

"I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem; they will be my people, and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God." and "But I will defend my house [Jerusalem] against marauding forces. Never again will an oppressor overrun my people, for now I am keeping watch" (Zechariah 8:8, 9:8).

It doesn't take a degree in international politics to understand that the Palestinian organization has as its primary goal to overrun Israel, to destroy them so that their name is no more remembered on the earth. The showdown at the U.N. is only the tip of the iceberg between these two groups which presently occupy the same piece of land. These are exciting days to watch how Bible prophecy is coming to pass right before our eyes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted for a while. But as I looked at the news today, it came quickly to mind that there is much to think about when we take a look at the map and see once again how surrounded Israel is by distress. Their enemy neighbors are on the move.

At left is a photo of the bus that was targeted as part of a three-phase attack yesterdy in south Israel, north of Eilat and along the border with Egypt. Why is that significant? It points out the result of the unsettled government in Egypt. They appear to be unable to effectively secure their border with Israel. Now why does that phrase, "secure the border," sound familiar. This will become an increasinly important thing as we progess into the end times. Seven people were killed and another 25 were injured in the three attacks. Prime Minister Netanyahu promises that there will be retaliation, and he asserts that it is most likely that the attacks originated in the Gaza Strip by Hamas.

Another border to watch is the one between Israel and the Palestians within the country itself. Israel a few days ago approved moving ahead with more than 200 new housing units in what the Palestinians claim to the their territory. Nearly another 300 are slated for approval soon. What does this mean? Next month the UN is slated to deal with the issue of declaring a Palestinian state. This move ahead on the housing projects is indication that Israel has no intention of honoring any such declaration by the UN. As supporterss of Israel, we need to pray that if the UN does pass the declaration, that President Obama will use the US veto power in the Security Council to stop the action. This will be a time when we finally find out where our President really stands in regard to supporting Israel.

A third border to keep watch on is the one with Syria. Our country called today for Syrian President Assad to step down and all Syrian assets in US have been frozen. It is time for this brutal dictator to go, but we don't really know what will come after him. The Syria border on the Golan Heights is critical to Israel's self protection. We can expect that there will be skirmishes there in the future as whoever controls Syria wants the Golan to be returned to their control.

Blessings and remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That is the best way that most of us can support them in these tumultous days.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Jeanne and I have been busy the past few weeks getting ready for our vacation. We have been scheduling our lodging, contacting people we plan to see, getting the car ready to go, even baking our favorite family cookie recipe to take along for kids and grand kids. We are going on a trip, but not without a lot of preparation.

This entire process brought to mind a very important spiritual parallel. The Bible clearly teaches that faithful believers in Jesus are also getting ready for a journey. Jesus told His disciples just before His crucifixion that He was going away but that He would return to take them to be with Him in the Father's house. When Paul wrote to the the Christians in Thessalonica, he spelled out details of how that would take place. With a shout and the sound of the trumpet of God, those believers who were prepared would be caught up into the air to meet the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).

Many people do not believe this doctrine. Others poke fun at those who take this teaching literally and at face value. The Bible also teaches that this scepticism will be so. However, all of the New Testament writers believed that there would be return of the Lord Jesus for His followers and that they needed to be living lives that reflected this expectation. Jesus Himself gave very explicit instruction on how to be ready for this gathering away in His instructions to the churches recorded in Revelation 2 and 3.

To be ready to travel with Jesus to the place He has prepared, a person first of all needs to have put his trust in Jesus as his personal Savior. From that point on, the Holy Spirit will be working to guide and direct the believer to be waiting in readiness for that great event. Just as it takes time and effort to be ready to leave on vacation, so it takes work to be ready to meet the Lord Jesus. The Bible refers to Jesus as the Bridegroom and believers as His Bride. A question that is good to ask yourself is, "If the Bridegroom comes today, will He see in me who He is looking for as His Bride?"

Jesus Himself spoke of this event and gave two words of instruction: be watching and be ready. "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. . . .So you must also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him" (Matthew 24:42, 44). Are you ready to travel?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


A few days ago I had the opportunity to spend some time with a young Syrian man. He has lived in the U.S. for seven or eight years. As we became acquainted, talk immediately turned to current events in his homeland. He was quite quick to assert his opinion that President Assad needed to resign or be removed from power. We talked about the difficult Middle East situation. We shared how Damascus was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, city in the world.

But my new friend Tim was really set back when I abruptly spoke and told him that Damascus was going to become nothing but a heap of ruins. He thought I was quite off my rocker. This gave me the opportunity to tell him that I was simply quoting what God had spoken through the prophet Isaiah. In Isaiah, we find God giving a series of prophecies or oracles again the nations who oppose the nation of Israel. He said, "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. . . .The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and royal power from Damascus" (Isaiah 17:1,3).

Our conversation, beginning with present day events, gave me the chance to indicate how God knows exactly how all this current turmoil will turn out. This young Arab gentleman had no knowledge of a God who knows the end from the beginning. Allah is not one who gives him a strong sense of who is in control. Unfortunately, many people who even call themselves Christian do not seem to have an understanding that God has given us a sure word of prophecy. He does not want us to be in the dark about the future. Paul wrote, "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery [the things God is revealing]" (Romans 11:25). The great and wonderful thing about our Bible is that it is God's Word to us about the past, the present and the future. What a great joy it is to look at today's news in light of what God has already spoken of regarding these days.

I thank the Lord Jesus for giving me the opportunity to speak with Tim about our faith and about the certainty of God's Word. I did not not condemn his religion, but I felt the Holy Spirit was using our conversation to open his eyes to the truth of the Bible, yea, even the truth regarding the capital of his country and the future of those who do not turn to God in faith through Yeshua.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


On Monday, the Associated Press carried a feature article detailing what is happening underground in Jerusalem. There are now literally miles of underground excavations that are fast becoming one of the most favorite draws for tourists visiting the city. The most important aspect of these diggings is not one of tourism but political dissension. Ever since Israel became a nation in 1948, the Palestinians have tried to convince themselves as well as the world that the Jews never occupied Jerusalem. The argument is almost as absurd as saying there are no fish in the sea. Jerusalem was a Jewish city many hundreds of years before the prophet Mohammed was born.

Every turn of the archeologist's spade under what has been forever called the Holy City discloses further evidence that indeed the Jewish people have been there for thousands of years. It was my privilege to walk in the Western Wall tunnel in 1983, when its excavation was not complete and long before it was opened to the public. What a thrill to follow the wall of the Temple Mount as it heads north to the Antonio Fortress. To see the gigantic rocks that support the platform high above and wonder at how those huge building blocks were worked and put in place so tightly with no concrete or other binder is an awesome experience. I have been back twice since that first visit and always sense that I am indeed standing on holy ground.

It is unfortunate that those leading the Palestinian people cannot speak the truth. Yes, there was a Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years. Yes, there is an authentic Jewish nation today. Yes, the Jewish people have a right to exist in the land that was promised by God to be theirs forever. If anyone hopes for a peace in the Middle East there is going to need to be a rediscovery not only of ancient stones, but also a rediscovery of ancient truth. We don't see that in the current malaise.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today is a most significant day for me. On June 1, 1961, I took my first position in ministry. So today marks 50 years of ministry. What a ride it has been! I had just graduated from Taylor University and while I expected to find a position in public school teaching, the Lord had other plans and I headed to Elkhart, IN to be a Director of Christian Education. Now 50 years later it is difficult to imagine a half-century flying by so quickly.

There have been many ups, downs, and round-abouts during these years. But, they have been exciting years and best of all the Lord who called me has been faithful. In return, I have attempted to be faithful to Him. When you arrive at this stage of life and ministry, the thought often comes as to whether you have really made a difference. While I can point to many who have come to Jesus as Savior, been sanctified with His Holy Spirit, been healed of a multitude of infirmities, and set on the path of holy living and effective ministry, I know that we can never know our effectiveness until we stand together  before the Lord.

As I think back, I am so thankful for the ten churches in this country which allowed me to share in their ministry. Those churches were greatly diverse and provided me with a wide range of ministry opportunities. It was also a highlight to be able to help organize and pastor the Quisqueya Chapel in Port au Prince, Haiti, and also to be a part of the great work of Grace Children's Hospital in Port au Prince. And it seemed to keep getting more exciting as I worked to establish Hispanic churches in north Indiana and southern Michigan after my technical "retirement." That simply meant that salaries stopped but the work kept on.

Also, these last years have been satisfying as the Lord has given me the opportunity for more study, writing of books, and teaching in the area of Bible prophecy. Especially exciting are the Bible studies I have been able to lead at Avon Park Holiness Camp in Florida each winter.

So I am celebrating in my spirit today that not only have I been privileged to know Jesus as my Savior for 53 years, but also to walk with Him and to serve Him in the most wonderful calling I can imagine. Please rejoice with me on this happy occasion. If we have had opportunity to share together, I would greatly enjoy hearing from you by comment below or by email.

Friday, May 20, 2011


This is a time for an update and report on things I have spoken of previously. This has been such a week as we seldom see as a great number of events all came to focus in a matter of a few days.

1. Last weekend the Palestinian call for a new intifada took place as called for. The Israel Defense Force was ready and stationed on all fronts. There were far fewer demonstrators than the organizers had called for. There was not the rocket attacks that had been urged from Hamas, Hezbollah and West Bank occupants. While Israel responded to the attackers with only tear gas and rubber bullets in most instances there were still fifteen deaths among those who challenged the Israel borders. The strongest push seemed to come from Syria whose residents did breach the Golan Heights border. All in all, we can probably expect these kind of demonstrations to continue. While they do not accomplish much, they do give some means of expressions to those who oppose Israel.

2. I'm still here! Every believer in Jesus I know is still here. But tomorrow is the day Harold Camping announced that today the Rapture of Christians from the world. Jesus said that we were not to set dates as there is no way for us to know when Christ would return; only the Father knows that. So take down the billboards, even though now there is some attention beginning on TV even as I am writing. If Jesus comes for His Bride on Saturday, it will not be because Harold Camping knows anything but because the Father has said to the Son, "Go, this is the day and hour." The important thing is to be doing what Jesus said, "Therefore keep watch...So you also must be ready , because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him" (Matthew 24:42,44). If you want to know what Jesus means when He says to be ready, get a copy of my book, "The Love Letters of Jesus."

3. These weeks are among the worst ever for flooding in mid-America. Whenever we see these catastrophes taking place we need to look around and see what is happening in the world that is especially offensive to God. In the past we can see a clear correlation between times our national leaders have urged the Nation of Israel to take actions that are contrary to God's clear injunctions in Scripture. This is especially true regarding the future of Israel and the land of Israel. God says that those who urge Israel to divide their land with others will certainly see God's wrath. Several writers have studied and reported the truth of this. We need to remember the axiom, "He who touches Israel, touches the apple of God's eye."

4. I just listened to President Obama and Prime Minister of Israel speak after their lengthy meeting today. The PM flatly rejected some of the things which the President said in his speech yesterday about the Middle East. Netanyahu said with blinking that Israel would not consent to a return to the borders that were present prior to 1967 as the country could not be defended from there. He said they would refuse to negotiate with the Palestinians as long as the Hamas idealogy of Israel's right to exist continues as part of the Palestinian framework for discussions. And finally, the PM said that allowing Palestinian refugees and all their descendents be allowed to be resettled in Israel "is not going to happen." So we are still where we have been. There is no real basis for a peace  

Saturday, May 7, 2011


There is much conversation all over the internet and especially Facebook about the call for a new intifada against Israel to be launched on May 15. That is the anniversary of the birth of the State of Israel. The promoters are attempting to use the same technique that has been used to foment the demonstrations in other mid-eastern nations. The hope is to have millions of people literally push Israel into the Mediterranean Sea and be rid of the Nation of Israel once and for all.

In an article in on March 23, Elion Levy wrote about the plans that the organizers are putting forth. He says, "The group's doctrines include a call for simultaneous protests on the Jordanian, Egyptian and Syria borders while Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza will launch attacks on Israeli settlements. Moreover, they ask for 'the help of our brothers in Lebanon' who will assist by raining missiles down on Israel."

This is a loud and clear call for Christians who understand our relationship to Israel to be fervent in prayer. I don't know what will happen on May 15. I only know that God in His Word has said that once His people are back in their land, He will never again allow them to be uprooted. It is foolish even to think that a mass march again the Israelis could be effective. It is even more foolish to believe that we can fight against the clearly stated plan and purpose of El Shaddai. There could be a lot of bloodshed but this plan is doomed to fail because it is diametrically opposed to God's plan.

To link Israel with the brutal dictators of the surrounding nations is a totally misguided action which demonstrates how little the world at large really understands what is taking place in the Middle-East.

If you want to find much more information Google search May 15 Intifada or Third Intifada on Facebook.

Shalalu Shalom Yerushalim

Monday, May 2, 2011


I certainly wasn't expecting the news we received last night that Usama Bin Laden had been killed. A nagging question for years had been why he had been able to elude any attempts at capture or his life. It is a wonderful day to know that this personification of evil has at last been brought to his end. As news people catalogued the many attacks he masterminded and the thousands of deaths he was responsible for, the thought came to my mind: how can any person be so filled with evil and hatred?

Like so many events which take place, they are not only significant in themselves, but are foretaste of something else to come. As I reflected on UBL, I got to thinking that he has been a shadow of an even more evil person to come, the antichrist who will come to power during the Tribulation period before Jesus Christ returns in power and glory to establish His earthly kingdom. The Apostle John writes telling us that even in his day, the spirit of antichrist was present in the world. He said, "Every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world" (1 John 4:3).

Bin Laden was not the antichrist, but he helps us to catch an idea of what kind of evil will be rampant in the time that antichrist comes. Evil will continue to multiply in these days as we approach the end of this age and will come into the fullness of expression when the Tribulation takes place. Osama and his kind remind us to be constantly watchful that we be not deceived by persons who are under the control of Satan and allow themselves to be used by Him to enact his destructive power and terror in the world. Jesus and the Biblical writers are unanimous in reminding us to "Watch out that no one deceives you" (Matthew 24:4).

Thursday, April 28, 2011


We are certainly seeing the dominoe effect taking place in the nations of the middle east. While only the leader of Egypt has been removed so far, it is clearly evident that the ruthless despots of several other nations will soon be overthrown. While unrest has been fomenting in Syria for a long time, that nation's troubles have bubbled to the top in recent days. What can we expect to take place in this neighboring country of Israel?

While it is difficult to know precise details, we can get a sense of what direction things are heading. It is an interesting study, when these nations we see all over the news, for us to take a look at the Bible and see what their history has been and what Scripture says about their future. For instance, Libya was named as one of the countries that had persons in Jerusalem for worship at the Jewish temple on the day of Pentecost, just ten days after the ascension of Jesus. Then in Ezekiel 38:5, we read that Put (ancient name of Libya) will be part of the important Gog and Magog attack on Israel in the last days.

What do we discover about Syria?  Damascus is one of the oldest cities in the world. Its origins go back all the way to the time of Uz, Noah's grandson. It has had many different occupiers over the centuries. It was sometimes under the control of Israel. In the New Testament we read of Paul meeting Jesus on the road to Damascus. After his encounter he went on to Damascus where he was ministered to and taught by Christian believers. But what about Damascus in the future?

The Bible paints a bleak picture for Syria in the last days. God speaks through the prophet Isaiah and gives a series of oracles or proclamations about different nations and cities. In Isaiah 17:1 we read of the final days of a city who has had a long and prosperous history. God speaks through the prophet and says, "An oracle concerning Damascus: 'See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.'" A few verses later we find the clear reason for this drastic end of Damascus, "You have forgotten God your Savior; you have not remembered the Rock, your fortress" (verse 10).

We see a common thread in all the uprisings today: the nations are not worshiping and serving the God of the Bible and their end is prophesied as doom. God's call is for all nations to serve Him and His Son Jesus Christ and to respect the rights of God's people Israel. Those that choose to serve other gods will find their nations in constant distress and in the end will be subject to God's judgment. In these days, we are seeing the Bible's prophetic truths coming to pass before our very eyes. The nation of Syria, as its neighbors, needs to understand what they can do to stay their disastrous end which the Bible says will surely come to pass.

Friday, April 15, 2011


You have probably seen lately a billboard or bumper sticker that proclaims, May 21, 2011 Judgment Day. What is it all about? Is it for real? Who puts up these advertisements? Well, they are for real, at least in the mind of a man named Harold Camping. Camping has been setting dates for the return of Christ and other end-time events for many years. And he has always been wrong. But, he is a slow learner and does not give up on doing what Jesus said was impossible. Jesus said that not even He Himself, but only the Father in heaven knew the dates of when events prophesied in the Bible would take place. So, we can write off the predictions of this man right away because he is doing that which the Scriptures tell us not to do.

Satan is delighted when things like this occur because the unbelieving world thinks that all those who believe end time Bible prophecies are literally true are a bunch of kooks. Camping is a "scholar" who takes the Word of God and twists it to his own interpretations. He teaches these untruths on his large Family Radio network thus deceiving many who are eagerly seeking spiritual truth. When Jesus taught about the last days, He invariably taught first of all that His followers should not be deceived. Those who are guided and taught by the Holy Spirit are given the spirit of discernment and know that those like Camping who come teaching falsely the truths of Scripture are the very deceivers whom Jesus warns us about.

I would encourage you to read a most excellent but rather lengthy article exposing both the faulty exposition and study methods of this man. It is by Dr. David Reagan, entitled "Harold Camping: The Madness of Date-Setting." Go to the bottom of their home page and click on the Featured Question box. Know the truth and don't be deceived!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I often find people who seem to have little interest in Bible prophecy. I am talking about Christians who are active in their church. Laymen say that they can't understand it. Pastors claim it is divisive. Others are just satisfied to let this important part of the Bible pass them by. They are fans of the popular song sung by Doris Day: "Que, sera, sera; whatever will be will be. The future's not ours to see, Que, sera, sera."

But the Apostle Paul said that he did not want his readers to be ignorant of the prophecies of Scripture. He shared the truth of the return of Jesus to claim His Bride in what we usually call the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. Using this basic text, I want to tell you 10 ways that Bible Prophecy will personally affect you.

1. There will be a Resurrection. 1 Thess. 4:16 says that the dead in Christ will rise first. Believers in Jesus who have died in faithful service to Him will be the first to rise.
2. There will be a Rapture. 1 Thess. 4:17 tells that believers who are alive when Jesus comes will be snatched away to go with Him to heaven.
3. There will be Reunion. 1 Thess. 4:17 says that those who are alive and those who are resurrected from the dead will meet together and join the Lord in the air.
4. Believers will be clothed in their Redeemed Bodies. 2 Cor. 15 tells that those who have died will exchange their perishable bodies for imperishable ones and those living will exchange their mortal bodies for immortal ones.
5. You will be shown to a new Residence. In John 14:3, Jesus told his Bride that He was going to prepare a place and He would come again to take her to that place He had made ready in the Father's house.
6. Believers will receive their Rewards. 2 Cor. 5:10 tells that all believers must appear before the Judgment seat of Christ to give account to Jesus for what we have accomplished for Him since our salvation.
7. You will ber appointedd to Responsibility in Christ's coming earthly kingdom. In Luke 12 Jesus told a parable of how those who are faithful now will be put in charge of the Master's possessions.
8. You will live in continuing Relationship with Jesus. 1 Thess. 4:17 says, "and so we will be with the Lord forever."
9. You will Return with Jesus to the earth at the end of the Tribulation period when He comes in power and great glory. Rev. 19 says, "The armies of heaven were following Him dressed in fine linen white and clean" which was identified those clothed in garments of righteousness.
10. You will Reign with Jesus when He occupies the throne in Jerusalem. Rev. 20, "I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge (rule)."

Paul gives us instruction about what we are to do with these truths. He said to encourage each other with these words of prophecy. I have sent these words to encourage you. Send them along to someone else. Talk about them. Discuss them. Your heart will be encouraged as you think about the wonderful promises which the Bible reveals to us about the last days.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

What's Sure About Prophecy?

We just completed the 12 weeks of Bible Study here at Avon Park Holiness Camp in FL. I have taught this winter on the theme, "A More Sure Word of Prophecy." This is taken from the words of Simon Peter when he wrote, "We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed" (2 Peter 1:19).

Why did he say that the word of the Biblical prophets was at that time more certain? Truly, it must have been because as he and the other disciples had been with Jesus and had seen the Old Testament prophecies about Him be literally and completely fulfilled, they were more certain than ever that the prophecies given in the Bible were true. And as they saw the prophecies about the first coming of Jesus take place with pin-point accuracy, they were all the more convinced that the prophecies concerning the end of the age and the return of Jesus had to be true as well.

Therefore, those who wrote the New Testament letters filled their writings with either direct teaching on end-times prophetic events or allusions to them. When we think of Bible prophecy, we find our minds turning first of all to the Old Testament books of Daniel, Ezekiel and the other books called the Major and Minor prophets. And some people seem to think that Revelation is the only prophetic book in the Bible. But the entire Bible is a prophetic book. Twenty-seven per-cent of all Bible verses contain some prophetic material. That convinces me that God wants us to know the future. The best way to discover these wonderful truths is to begin to read and study God's Word. As you do, you will arrive at the same conclusion of truth that Peter did. The word's of the prophets are becoming more and more certain.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where's America?

One of the questions we often hear asked is, "Where is America in Bible Prophecy?" This is a difficult query to answer because we don't find any Bible material that is clearly a reference to the United States. So it appears that when we look to discover America's future, we can only find our answer in terms of general principles that relate to all the nations. Since its inception, the U.S. has been an exceptional nation and quickly rose to prominence as a world power. For many of us who have never been a part of any other kind of country, it is hard to face the reality that our nation is slipping from its position of prominence. The emphasis on globalism is beginning to bear fruit, and it is not the kind of sweet fruit we are used to. The current situation in Libya is a strong case in point. America is playing follow the leader. We are allowing the U.N. to call the shots. European countries like France are out in front asking us to come along for the ride. A few years ago, such a position would have been unthinkable. As we begin the ride down the slippery slope of yielding our leadership to other nations, we will become increasingly less significant as a power player on the world stage. And that is exactly what most of the world is anxiously awaiting. Unfortunately, we are likely in the near future to see ourselves relegated to just another one of the many nations that will be caught up in end-times events with no real understanding of how we fell from our lofty position. Yes, there is good reason to ask where America is both in terms of its standing in the world politic and in regards to its role in the end-times described in the Bible. It is getting harder and harder to see its role.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Triple Whammy

Wow, this thing in Japan just keeps getting bigger. As if a gigantic earthquake, followed by a massive tsunami wasn't enough, now we have at least four nuclear reactors in trouble with moderate amounts of radition already threatening residents. I'd call that a Triple Whammy! What does the Bible say about such things. WhileJesus specifically mentioned that we would see an increase in earthquakes as we approach the end of the present age (Matthew 24:7-8), He also gave us a key principle to help us understand Bible prophecy. In verse 8, He said of the increasing numbers of natural disasters, "All these are the beginning of birth pains." Any woman who has delivered a child, and every husband who has stood by feeling helpless, knows what that means. As the birth of the child gets nearer, the pains become more frequent and increase greatly in intensity. That's what we are seeing in our world today. What Jesus called the "Signs of the Times" are happening much more often and with much greater force. What we have seen in Haiti, Chile, and now Japan will not be unique happenings. You can expect to see many more such events in the near future.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just Beginning

Here I am, feeling totally like out in left field. I was never very good in softball so they usually put me in left field hoping that I would not have much action to mess up. But blogging seems the way to go these day so here we go. I have been publishing an e-newsletter for the past few years, but it is always a chore to get it done. Hopefully, by doing a little bit far oftener, we can be much more effective in our communication. For those of you who don't know me I have been a pastor most of my life with some other kinds of ministry thrown in for excitement--missionary, church planting, evangelist, writer, etc.

In these last few years my studies have taken a definite turn towards Bible Prophecy. My writing and teaching have followed suit. So that is mostly what you will find here. You won't know what I had for breakfast or my daily schedule. There are much more important things in the world that I hope to share if I can figure out how to get this blog in gear. Blessings till next time.