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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


A few days ago I had the opportunity to spend some time with a young Syrian man. He has lived in the U.S. for seven or eight years. As we became acquainted, talk immediately turned to current events in his homeland. He was quite quick to assert his opinion that President Assad needed to resign or be removed from power. We talked about the difficult Middle East situation. We shared how Damascus was one of the oldest, if not the oldest, city in the world.

But my new friend Tim was really set back when I abruptly spoke and told him that Damascus was going to become nothing but a heap of ruins. He thought I was quite off my rocker. This gave me the opportunity to tell him that I was simply quoting what God had spoken through the prophet Isaiah. In Isaiah, we find God giving a series of prophecies or oracles again the nations who oppose the nation of Israel. He said, "See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins. . . .The fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and royal power from Damascus" (Isaiah 17:1,3).

Our conversation, beginning with present day events, gave me the chance to indicate how God knows exactly how all this current turmoil will turn out. This young Arab gentleman had no knowledge of a God who knows the end from the beginning. Allah is not one who gives him a strong sense of who is in control. Unfortunately, many people who even call themselves Christian do not seem to have an understanding that God has given us a sure word of prophecy. He does not want us to be in the dark about the future. Paul wrote, "I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery [the things God is revealing]" (Romans 11:25). The great and wonderful thing about our Bible is that it is God's Word to us about the past, the present and the future. What a great joy it is to look at today's news in light of what God has already spoken of regarding these days.

I thank the Lord Jesus for giving me the opportunity to speak with Tim about our faith and about the certainty of God's Word. I did not not condemn his religion, but I felt the Holy Spirit was using our conversation to open his eyes to the truth of the Bible, yea, even the truth regarding the capital of his country and the future of those who do not turn to God in faith through Yeshua.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


On Monday, the Associated Press carried a feature article detailing what is happening underground in Jerusalem. There are now literally miles of underground excavations that are fast becoming one of the most favorite draws for tourists visiting the city. The most important aspect of these diggings is not one of tourism but political dissension. Ever since Israel became a nation in 1948, the Palestinians have tried to convince themselves as well as the world that the Jews never occupied Jerusalem. The argument is almost as absurd as saying there are no fish in the sea. Jerusalem was a Jewish city many hundreds of years before the prophet Mohammed was born.

Every turn of the archeologist's spade under what has been forever called the Holy City discloses further evidence that indeed the Jewish people have been there for thousands of years. It was my privilege to walk in the Western Wall tunnel in 1983, when its excavation was not complete and long before it was opened to the public. What a thrill to follow the wall of the Temple Mount as it heads north to the Antonio Fortress. To see the gigantic rocks that support the platform high above and wonder at how those huge building blocks were worked and put in place so tightly with no concrete or other binder is an awesome experience. I have been back twice since that first visit and always sense that I am indeed standing on holy ground.

It is unfortunate that those leading the Palestinian people cannot speak the truth. Yes, there was a Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years. Yes, there is an authentic Jewish nation today. Yes, the Jewish people have a right to exist in the land that was promised by God to be theirs forever. If anyone hopes for a peace in the Middle East there is going to need to be a rediscovery not only of ancient stones, but also a rediscovery of ancient truth. We don't see that in the current malaise.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Today is a most significant day for me. On June 1, 1961, I took my first position in ministry. So today marks 50 years of ministry. What a ride it has been! I had just graduated from Taylor University and while I expected to find a position in public school teaching, the Lord had other plans and I headed to Elkhart, IN to be a Director of Christian Education. Now 50 years later it is difficult to imagine a half-century flying by so quickly.

There have been many ups, downs, and round-abouts during these years. But, they have been exciting years and best of all the Lord who called me has been faithful. In return, I have attempted to be faithful to Him. When you arrive at this stage of life and ministry, the thought often comes as to whether you have really made a difference. While I can point to many who have come to Jesus as Savior, been sanctified with His Holy Spirit, been healed of a multitude of infirmities, and set on the path of holy living and effective ministry, I know that we can never know our effectiveness until we stand together  before the Lord.

As I think back, I am so thankful for the ten churches in this country which allowed me to share in their ministry. Those churches were greatly diverse and provided me with a wide range of ministry opportunities. It was also a highlight to be able to help organize and pastor the Quisqueya Chapel in Port au Prince, Haiti, and also to be a part of the great work of Grace Children's Hospital in Port au Prince. And it seemed to keep getting more exciting as I worked to establish Hispanic churches in north Indiana and southern Michigan after my technical "retirement." That simply meant that salaries stopped but the work kept on.

Also, these last years have been satisfying as the Lord has given me the opportunity for more study, writing of books, and teaching in the area of Bible prophecy. Especially exciting are the Bible studies I have been able to lead at Avon Park Holiness Camp in Florida each winter.

So I am celebrating in my spirit today that not only have I been privileged to know Jesus as my Savior for 53 years, but also to walk with Him and to serve Him in the most wonderful calling I can imagine. Please rejoice with me on this happy occasion. If we have had opportunity to share together, I would greatly enjoy hearing from you by comment below or by email.